Kirill Troussov
Violinist, Educator
"Ilona’s GetClassical in School is a fantastic project and I am happy to be part of it!
I have been supporting a similar project Rhapsody in School all over Germany - it is an exiting experience to bring children and young people closer to classical music!
The young generation is extremely open-minded and appreciates the guidance with great enthusiasm and curiosity! This intense personal exchange between generations is of such a high value in our fast-moving digital world. With GetClassical in School the young generation has the unique chance to get closer to music in a direct and personal way, discovering new things for their soul and mind! Being an artist means sharing your emotions, feelings, life experience and knowledge with the people around you.
Get Classical in School is a great opportunity to put this mission into action!
Music was there for centuries, music will be there for centuries and music will always connect the world!“